Friday 20 August 2010

Neal for Karaii

DUCKY TIE MUHAHAHA :D now for colouring ^^
I CANNOT DRAW SCARS *wails* and his face is too thin but ah well >< nooow what silly design to put on his tie... *w*

1 comment:

    I just squealed loud enough to startle my cat. I'm being serious O___O

    HE CAME OUT SPECTACULAR! Oh god, I love it!! You got the shape of his face just right, and his EYES! His semi-amused semi-out there expression spot on - holy crap, this is so good o_o <333333 *in shock from how perfect it is ahhhhhhhh*

    I LOVE the details on his outfit, too!! Heee, just give him the silliest tie design and it'll be him completely <33

    Bby, I owe you the sun and stars for these beauties, omg *3*
