Monday 23 August 2010

Elemental: Serafina and Aedan

Serafina (Italian for 'burning one') Fire's original container and Aedan's (Gaelic for 'little fire') older sister...


"I don't LIKE him."

"Oh, Danny. You never like anybody."

"S'not true. I like you."

"Yes, well, that's because I'm extra special, hm?"

"...whatever. And don't call me that, s'not my name."

"Aedan. To me, you will always be the toddling little Dannykins who likes to stick graphite candy up his nose while pretending to be a Martian."


"Oh, hush. Now, what exactly don't you like about him?"

"He's slimy. And wet, and cold, and his hair is fat and stupid, and he smells like FISH."

"Hm, I hadn't noticed all those things. Fish? Really? What sort?"

"Salmon. He makes me sick."

"Aedan! That's an awful thing to say!"

"But he DOES! Whenever he gets near me my skin crawls and my stomach churns n' I get all woozy."

"Does blood rush to your face?"


"Sounds like a little crush to me..."

"URRRRGH! Don't be fucking stupid! I shoulda known, you're a girl, you're hopeless. You don't know ANYTHING."

"Firstly, don't swear. Secondly, I can take care of myself. So stop your fussing. Ok?"

"He's gonna take you away."

"Danny, listen to me. Nothing, but nothing, would ever take me away from you. You're my brother, my little firefly, and I love you from here to the Sun and back."

"...he's going to take you away. I know it."


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