Monday 23 August 2010

Elemental: World, weapons, and willies 8D

AIIIIR and crappy concept sketches are crappy XD trying to work out the evolutions of his's supposed to act like it's constantly windswept and gravity-defying...but then as he matures and 'comes down to Earth' *insert Water euphemism about GOING down on Earth here 8D* his hair get's more and more tamed. Hee.

...and here is a prelim sketch of their world! Tis the Earth, but in a pre-apocalypse polluted state. The continents are so choked up with crap that they're basically just gigantic garbage heaps, so mankind shifted to under the seas, in the skies and even into the core of the planet 8D there is one enormous greenhouse structure on the surface, where Gaia lives, with a few small towns, which is where Earth is from. Air lives(d) in a gigantic, kinetically powered ship-city that orbits the earth, gravitating constantly to the least polluted space of sky. Water runs a brothel in the underwater bubble-city 8D and Fire's family own the extremely lucrative powerstation/mines in the core of the planet- think a suspended metal monstrosity over pit of lava, with a single enormous tunnel trafficking people and products up to the surface-terminal.

WEAPONS OMG. Hee. From left to right: Fire's, he has two of these, it's an elaborate knife with holes for his fingers in the handle, with a serrated blade underneath and a straight one on top, and a hollow inbetween. He can heat it and manipulate fire into a swirl around it 8D next, Earth's stick. Uhm. With acorns on it. Uhhhh...yeah. It's a stick, basically XD he hits people with it. It's very simple and to the point, like him OTL. NEXT! Water's gun *giggles* it's a triple-barelled shotgun style monstrosity, with barrels in the shape of droplets. It can shoot either a stream of high pressure water, or chunks of ice. But best of all, it looks kinda like a wang. Veeeeery appropriate MUHAHAHA. Finally, Air's retarded fan XD it's kinda lame, like he can be, with spikes and long whippy things attached which he can flail about. Yeeeeah...
Fire's sis, the original intended mortal form for Fire 8D she's strong and compassionate and loves her little bro, but she doesn't have the fundamental passion and anger to properly fuel the element. So... ;_;
...and finally, bebe!richkid!Fire 8D

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