Monday 30 August 2010

Elemental: What now?

--> (edit) and coloured...BEFORE I fell off my bike today and lacerated two palms, one leg, an eblow and half my FACE >.< onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="">...more of these idiots do ye despise them yet :p papa!Earth giving traumatised!Fire a cuddle...and having to be bandaged up because of it XD oh dear. Picture quality is shite cos I don't have a scanner out here in Sheepville...gotta take a photo OF the drawing then upload THAT D: good thing I'm bored out of my tiny mind or I just wouldn't bother. ALSO YAY Earth tied his hair back 8D actually Air did it. He thought it'd look pwetty...

Sunday 29 August 2010

Elemental: Element Personas

WARNING: THIS POST CONTAINS THE WORST CASE OF VERBAL DIAR...DIOR...SPEWINGS I HAVE EVER SEEEEEEN. Those of you with teensy brains and better things to do, look away, noooow. Thank ye! ;D

Ooookie dokie time to think about what the actual Elemental personalities are like... (that's the original Earth, Air, Fire and Water, not the mortal forms) hm. The lines between Mortal/Elemental form are blurred. Eventually, the two personas must become completely merged, for the mortals to be able to access the full extent of the Element's powers. For this to happen, the mortals must grow and mature as people, and fully understad the Elements, and reconcile with them. The development curve is different for each mortal. Originally, Earth is far ahead, but he is quickly overtaken by Air and Fire. Air is the first to fully sync. Water the second, Fire the third, and Earth the last.

So, the Big Four were originally more like Spirit, in that they had the mindset of children...carefree, self-centred. Their personalities are purer than that of their shells, but they have been corrupted and aged by their experiences (subconscious, as they are scattered) on Eden.

Earth: mentally the eldest, as he has recieved the most abuse at the hands of Eden and it's monkeys. He's been repeatedly plundered, 'raped', in the search for raw materials and the re-moulding of the landscape. Before he came to Eden, he was the quietest and shyest of the Elements, preferring just to sit and think and watch the other's run around. The trauma of the colossal damage dealt to him means he is now mute, and immensely, immensely sad. He is also paranoid and twitchy, and will not be touched, like a rape victim. Water is extremely protective of him. Fire avoids him like the plague, as the monkey's used him to inflict damage on Earth. This sense of guilt consumes Fire. Air clings to Earth, trying to clumsily comfort him, but is deeply hurt when he meets with no reaction.

Differences from Mortal form (Adam): Adam is embittered and craves vengeance on a deep, supressed level; Earth is simply saddened. Earth lacks the sense of responsibility Adam feels. He does not have Adam's inner strength and determination, to keep going, on and on. No matter what. In this pair, the mortal is in fact the more developed emotionally, so instead of aspiring to his Element, he must instead resolve the deep issues that lie at both their centres.

Water: Pre-Eden, Water was a cheerful, playful prankster. Always grinning, the equivalent of a trickling stream, all smooth pebbles. He was very affectionate with his fellow elements. He teased Fire especially, and babied him a little- he was the one who controlled him (unlike in mortal form, where Earth is the damage-control on Fire). The effect of the mass-pollution of the oceans have made Water sluggish, lazy, and corrupted. He was hurt the most by his seperation from the others, and now finds it difficult to emotionally re-connect- he has no trust anymore. He and his mortal shell are the most similar- and so the most in sync, of all the pairs. They both feel a sense of betrayal, a reluctance to be close to anyone, and a sense of guilt over Fire (and Aedan). Though he has healed better than Earth from the experience of being 'raped' or plundered- he is more twisted, than saddened. His pranking ways have turned to an underlying sense of genuine cruelty. He feels a sense of shared experience with Earth, and so he is fiercely protective of his comrade in hurt.

Differences from Mortal form (Calder): Calder is very similar to Water. His experiences as a mortal (as a prostitued and sold child/teen, confused/betrayed by his embittered Mother) mirror that of Water's, a world of rape, want, and confusion. He shares Water's inability to emotionally re-connect, and Water's sense of guilt over Fire is tied up with his own issues with Aedan. He resents Air deeply, over the problem of Air inadvertently pawning off his own pollution into Water (acid rain, etc) and he cannot help but envy Air's continued naivety. Water is more easily incited to emotion than Calder, who keeps his facade very rigid. Hence, Calder's initial problems in mastering the sheer power of Water.

Fire: Before Eden, Fire was a whiny, needy, sulky child, but when content had a sunny disposition bursting with the sheer joy of life. When tapped, his affection was in enormous abundance (think the sort of fire that warms water, lights up dark streets, heats homes). He was prone to fits of temper, but no real rage was present. He was the last Element to be 'killed' by Spirit. Having watched his fellow Elements go down, he has become, basically, an uncontrollable, enraged, incensed, titanic mass of pure rage and hate. He is furious at everyone and everything (bar, perhaps, Earth, whom he is wary of). He hates Water for leaving him. He despises Spirit for what he has done. He resents Earth for doing nothing to protect his fellows. And he hates Air for turning his back and refusing to see what the monkeys were doing. But, most of all, he hates himself. It was his rage that lit life in the belly of Eden, that burnished the sun, that nourished the monkeys into monsters. He blames Spirit, but more, he blames himself, for being an instrument of pain for the others (although they do not blame him). He is the hardest Element to control, as he is the most alive, the most volatile (not necessarily the most powerful, however). He is initially Spirit's greatest threat, as he embodies light, while Spirit embodies dark. He is the antithesis, and Spirit is very eager to take him down first.

Differences from mortal form (Aedan): Aedan is an angry boy, but he does not possess even a fraction of Fire's hatred, at first. Although, it was the potential for rage that led Fire to inhabit Aedan instead of his sister (that, and the raising of a giant middle finger to Spirit and his interfering with the vessels). Fire needs passion more than anything, a quality Serafina simply did not possess. After the death of Serafina, with the fact that he now seems to destroy and hurt everything he touches, he begins to become more and more like his Element. However, Earth cultivates Aedan's insecurities into control and inner strength, qualities Fire never had a chance to develop. In this case, the mortal teaches the Element, or rather, they learn together. Due to the love of his sister, Aedan is a little more able to engage in emotions than Fire. He chooses to face and overcome his guilt, rather than run from it, and lash out at someone else.

Air: Air remains the least changed by his experiences in Eden. Before the machinations of Spirit, he was pretty much just as disenfranchised from his fellows and the cares of the world as he is by the time he inhabits a mortal shell. Air is a dreamer; he lives in a world of his own, and has never really understood the individuals around him. He accepted and loved them, but they were intangible. He was closest to Earth, whom he would pass by and over as he wandered. He still does not understand what happened when Spirit attacked. He is not really aware of having been scattered, or been polluted by smog and gases. He is only ever incited to action when deeply disturbed- he does not like his own personal world invaded. There is great resentment towards him from Water and Fire, who feel he betrayed them in his ignorance. Air, like Spirit, is still essentially a child. Spirit hates Air the most, as Air passed the closest to him, skimming so very close, but never stopping, never listening.

Differences from mortal form (Erion): Erion is an airhead, but he is a human, and a compassionate one. He is the least like his element. He is a clutz and a dope, but he cares deeply for his loved ones, and although he shuns responsibility and dislikes putting too much effort into life, and finds it hard to accept harsh truths, he is at least willing to listen, and act. He learns and matures fast. Through him, Air catches a glimpse of what he has ignored for so long. And he doesn't like what he sees. Erion learns from his Element's mistakes, and through his tutelage of Air, he finds himself forced to grow in unprecedented ways, also. Erion is fundamentally grounded and driven in a way Air finds it very difficult to aspire to.

...*pant puff* HOLY SHITE ON A BRICK @@ ugggggh shut off brain D: what a load of confusing crap :s oh well, least the vague ideas are thar...bedtime now methinks, will deal with mortal relationships in the morning 8D ALSO, today at Dartmouth Castle, somebody was foolish enough to give Ebs...A GUN -->

...quite why everyone was surprised when I immediately shot mah bro with it, escapes me 8D (they were rubber pellets, he's fine, btw XD)

Saturday 28 August 2010

Elemental: All we've got

"...why did you come back?" he asks me, slurring, brain thick with wine and smoke and all manner of downtown shit. I grit my teeth, grind my left canine against the salt-tip of my tongue until it bleeds. The recycled bubble-city air is stale like empty corners and newspapers blowing in the wind.

"Dumb fuck." I wheeze out, hoarse on the black, tarry fire I kindled and fondled and spewed into the quiet night "We're all we've got."

He doesn't reply. I lug his arm higher across my shoulder, ignoring the searing burn where his skin meets mine, and keep walking.

What else can I do?

Tuesday 24 August 2010

Elemental: Colours of the Wind

D': I couldn't keep neglecting these two!! Earth, trying to think teh boys out of a tricky situation. And Air, being unhelpful ;D 'hey, hey Earth, check out my shadow-puppetry!!' ...oh and Air isn't actually that short >.< Earth is just 6 foot 4. Eeeeeek.

...also! Kinda got their mortal names down. Here goes...

Fire = Aedan Titus
Water = Calder Destan ('rough waters', 'by the still water')
Air: Erion ('our wind') no last name.
Earth: :P Never revealed! MUHAHAHA only I shall ever knoooooooow...

Elemental: Aedan Titus

Fire's mortal form, Aedan Titus :3 looking pouty in his typical richboy!garb :D he's very uncomfortable in this formal wear...he'd much rather be out in boots and no shirt, lava-surfing ^^ (yes, lava surfing, y'all heard right, hee 8D)
Ink-doodle of lil!Fire in fighting pose :'D he wears his sister's green scarf round his waist.

Bodyguarding for Dummies

So I've seen many of these dummy!books lying around teh place 8D and seeing as I am both bored and insane, I decided to do mah own doodle version :D just...imagine Gil is really fucking bored in one of Howard's dumb as ass meetings and someone has ill-advisedly given him and a pen and paper to occupy him, or summat XDD

There's our hero, dummy!Gil >w< with his trusty crappy gun of doom. And yes, this special edition of the book now includes 20% MOAR HOWARD indeed! ...due to the fact that's he's scribbled sarcastic comments all over Gil's hard work baaaaaw ;^;

Most important of all: know your charge! Here is an average example. Note the terrible haircut and tendency to snarl. Now remember folks: if your charge has hired you, chances are he's a) rich and b) ergo, a giant prick. Bear this in mind. If after a week you find yourself 1) fantasising about tearing his nads off and frying them in oil, 2) jumping off the nearest high thing, then please discard this book and consult 'Assassinating for Dummies' instead. :D

Ok, so you're one week in and neither you nor the prick are dead. Good job! Time to learn the Bodyguard basics. The general idea is to place your lovely self between danger and your charge. And yes, folks, this does involve a high risk of excruciating pain and emasculation, so unless you happen to be blessed with girly parts or balls of steel you're likely not to enjoy it much. Tough shit.

Please note the diagram above, of how, and how not, to protect a charge. Here danger is graciously represented by Larry the angry lion.

Fig A: the CORRECT execution. Positioning demonstrated as danger (Larry) then you (incredibly sexy/dashing/charming/witty/etc person) then the charge (PRICK).

Fig B: INCORRECT but somewhat hilarious. Positioning shows danger (happy Larry) the charge (pissy prick) then you, distracted by pretty flowers and shiny things while the charge dies horribly. Ah well. Shame.


Ok, so you're a Bodyguard. This we have established, but as this is a book for DUMMIES I'll reiterate the point. The best way to protect your charge is to look so incredibly badass, any potential assassin/thug/fangirl wouldn't even dream of accosting them. If you're a) 7 feet tall b) Hulk Hogan or c) have shark teeth, feel free to skip this section. For those of you on the weedier side, consider these methods to improve your imposing...ness.

1) Practice your RAAAAAAR! A good rar will deter any pest, sane or insane.

2) Wear platform shoes. Not stupid ones, just ones big enough to make you a teensy bit taller. Just be sure you CAN walk in them though, Einstein, unless you wanna end up looking like a sorority sister in stilettos.

3) KEEP YOUR HAIR OUT OF YOUR FACE I cannot stress enough how important this is. Not only will your either incredibly handsome/ugly features momentarily blind any threats, but you will also now be able to see them (moron). Plus, your bangs won't get caught in doors. And you won't end up looking like that creepy girl from The Ring. Ew.

4) ...if all else fails, just get plastic surgery so you look like Arnold Schwarzenegger. This method has a bonus: whenever you pop off to the little boy/girl's room, people will find it hilarious when you utter the phrase, 'I'll be back'.


XD Please don't call the nice men in white coats?

Monday 23 August 2010

Elemental: Serafina and Aedan

Serafina (Italian for 'burning one') Fire's original container and Aedan's (Gaelic for 'little fire') older sister...


"I don't LIKE him."

"Oh, Danny. You never like anybody."

"S'not true. I like you."

"Yes, well, that's because I'm extra special, hm?"

"...whatever. And don't call me that, s'not my name."

"Aedan. To me, you will always be the toddling little Dannykins who likes to stick graphite candy up his nose while pretending to be a Martian."


"Oh, hush. Now, what exactly don't you like about him?"

"He's slimy. And wet, and cold, and his hair is fat and stupid, and he smells like FISH."

"Hm, I hadn't noticed all those things. Fish? Really? What sort?"

"Salmon. He makes me sick."

"Aedan! That's an awful thing to say!"

"But he DOES! Whenever he gets near me my skin crawls and my stomach churns n' I get all woozy."

"Does blood rush to your face?"


"Sounds like a little crush to me..."

"URRRRGH! Don't be fucking stupid! I shoulda known, you're a girl, you're hopeless. You don't know ANYTHING."

"Firstly, don't swear. Secondly, I can take care of myself. So stop your fussing. Ok?"

"He's gonna take you away."

"Danny, listen to me. Nothing, but nothing, would ever take me away from you. You're my brother, my little firefly, and I love you from here to the Sun and back."

"...he's going to take you away. I know it."


Elemental: Eden

This was fun!! Hee :D we've got the Earth city, a sort of giant greenhouse, Gaia, named after a certain special lady ;) the water city, Atlantis, yeeeeah I know, cliche, but it fits so well! D: the air city Njord (Nordic god of wind) and the core mines, Vulcan. Ooh and Hephaistos' mound, aka a maaaassive underwater volcano 8D where Fire and Water doth meet *ominous noises*

Elemental: World, weapons, and willies 8D

AIIIIR and crappy concept sketches are crappy XD trying to work out the evolutions of his's supposed to act like it's constantly windswept and gravity-defying...but then as he matures and 'comes down to Earth' *insert Water euphemism about GOING down on Earth here 8D* his hair get's more and more tamed. Hee.

...and here is a prelim sketch of their world! Tis the Earth, but in a pre-apocalypse polluted state. The continents are so choked up with crap that they're basically just gigantic garbage heaps, so mankind shifted to under the seas, in the skies and even into the core of the planet 8D there is one enormous greenhouse structure on the surface, where Gaia lives, with a few small towns, which is where Earth is from. Air lives(d) in a gigantic, kinetically powered ship-city that orbits the earth, gravitating constantly to the least polluted space of sky. Water runs a brothel in the underwater bubble-city 8D and Fire's family own the extremely lucrative powerstation/mines in the core of the planet- think a suspended metal monstrosity over pit of lava, with a single enormous tunnel trafficking people and products up to the surface-terminal.

WEAPONS OMG. Hee. From left to right: Fire's, he has two of these, it's an elaborate knife with holes for his fingers in the handle, with a serrated blade underneath and a straight one on top, and a hollow inbetween. He can heat it and manipulate fire into a swirl around it 8D next, Earth's stick. Uhm. With acorns on it. Uhhhh...yeah. It's a stick, basically XD he hits people with it. It's very simple and to the point, like him OTL. NEXT! Water's gun *giggles* it's a triple-barelled shotgun style monstrosity, with barrels in the shape of droplets. It can shoot either a stream of high pressure water, or chunks of ice. But best of all, it looks kinda like a wang. Veeeeery appropriate MUHAHAHA. Finally, Air's retarded fan XD it's kinda lame, like he can be, with spikes and long whippy things attached which he can flail about. Yeeeeah...
Fire's sis, the original intended mortal form for Fire 8D she's strong and compassionate and loves her little bro, but she doesn't have the fundamental passion and anger to properly fuel the element. So... ;_;
...and finally, bebe!richkid!Fire 8D

Sunday 22 August 2010

Elemental: Let's get wet

Heeee Water is a peeeeerv 8D and yay, his hair is up!! Poor old long suffering ;) and there's a chibi pissy Fire up thar :3 who is he jealous of? :O Tis a mystery...

Elemental: Tsunami

Fire took on 5th, and lost :( 5th begins to consume him but the OT3 intervene...just in time to save Fire's body, but too late to save his Element or his mortal soul. Water finds little comfort in the fact that he can now safely touch Fire's empty shell. takes enormous upheaval to incite Water into moving. But when it does, oh boy, you better get the hell out of the way, or y'all gonna get WET 8D

Saturday 21 August 2010

Elemental: Fifth

Fifth is hunger, it's thirst, it's greed, it's everything and it's nothing at's the void and the unknown 8D it's meant to be an androgenous lil kid. It's eternal urge is to consume the other elements, in the vain hope that eating them will fill the emptiness in it's belly.

The name's dot, Yadot...

:'D Teh Lazaro pic wasn't so great so I tried harder with this one.....eeeeeee why do all my piccies end up pouting? Oo


YEEEE suspenders and black ties, ho my 8D omigosh his HAIR why can I never get hair right D: ah well. Colouring time riiiiiight after I GO SEE AVATAR AIRBENDER YAAAAY *flees to cinema*

Friday 20 August 2010

Neal for Karaii

DUCKY TIE MUHAHAHA :D now for colouring ^^
I CANNOT DRAW SCARS *wails* and his face is too thin but ah well >< nooow what silly design to put on his tie... *w*

Ezra for Karaii

Thursday 19 August 2010

Elemental: Air

WHY did he turn out looking so young GAH ><> (later) BETTER! ...but now he's sad ._.

Elemental: Water

ARRRRRGH why can't I get Water right?! I wanna make him albino I'll try him with hair down, see if that's any better...

--> (edited later) Muuuuuch better 8D

Wednesday 18 August 2010

Elemental: Fire

RAR! Hee :3 Fire is the baby of the group. Bad, mad, and a little bit sad.

Elemental: Earth

:'D I adore Earth. He's like a Gandalf of the group- the rock, the immovable, the sarcastic who just WILL NOT wear shoes.

Tuesday 17 August 2010

Run away, little girl. It is all you are good for.

Do you think if you run fast enough, the world shall simply go away? Think, if you must, that when you next look over your shoulder, we shall not be there. But we shall. Flee to your fantasies and your closeted misery. She that chooses not to invest in others, shall live, and run, and be, and die, alone.

So run away, little girl. Run hard. Run fast. We of reality and responsibility do not have the luxury of hiding. That is for the children, and the dead. We who love, and are loved, cannot afford to cast our looks aside and pretend, and wish, the adult world gone. The fetters and chains that pull at your feet are the product of your own cowardice, not of the shadows at your back.

So run. And keep running. And when you do finally deign to look back over your shoulder again, I shall still be there. Here. Waiting, waiting. Always waiting.

I forgive, little coward. But I shall not pretend to understand.

Sunday 15 August 2010

Roxanne drabble~ of soggy toast and suicide...

Lost: 1 happy and tenacious inner child. If found, please leave her exactly where she is. Ugggggh I cannot believe I am actually trying this write-down-all-your-thoughts psychology bullshit. I feel like one of those pretentious little pricks who paint their nails black and treat Twilight like a Bible.

*grumbles* And noooow for the proxy therapy olympics HOYAY

~Roxanne drabble??~

Suicide blossoms for me into a reality, not on the hardest and starkest of days, but on the longest. The lazy ones, the ones where the boulevard ledge sings of oblivion and every contorted grill-grin of passing cars is as the face of an old friend, crooning promises of crumpled dashboard peace. The backstage monochrome of the fragility of bodies suddenly springs to a Blue-Ray of yawning stairways and lengths of cloth and pills and bleach and sharp, sharp things.

I don't ever succumb so it's not like I'm worried. But I do wonder at where my line is drawn, whether in sand or crayon or barbed-wire lace. The simplest of slips...a kamikaze toaster in a sly bathtub.

And I find myself pondering the oddest things, such as, what would a toaster be doing in a bathroom? Well of course you would have moved it there, numbnuts. But more importantly, would the toast still be in it? Would it be toasted or half toasted or barely crisp? Buttered? And I think, it can't be done, because the toast will get soggy. And soggy toast is just...against nature.

True heartache breaks upon you like the grief of the rockpool dwellers abandoned by high tide, swallowed up by greedy beaches. It doesn't creep, it doesn't drive the cupid's-bane dart through caving ventricles. There's no cracks or splinters or ruptures. No grating of tectonic plates like grotesque slabs of angry cake. It just insinuates. It settles quietly in your chest and coaxes that seething hot mass of heave-ho and to-and-fro and stop-and-flow to the weary dust we'll all be one day.

There's no despair, just a dull acceptance that when you lay your head down to sleep, it'll be no less heavy to lift in the light of the Sesame day. And as for waking, it's not that you hope you won't. Nothing so fucking stupid. Nothing so shamefully cliche.

I just wish, if I could only stop hoping, I could stop hurting.

~~~ other non-spastic-emo-dependentonDA-retarded-news, saw Cats and Dogs the Revenge of Pussy Galore. Practically snorted jelly babies out my nostrils. At best, a mixed day. Dolly-mix day.

Saturday 14 August 2010

und was sollten wir sagen, wann der Sonne scheinnt dunkel am morgens...

Ich habe ein berlinermauer in meinen kopf. Aaaaaaalso, glaube ich, dass wann ich uber meine denken keine Macht haben, es hilft mir auf deutsch zu sprechen. Oder schrieben. Irgendwas. Es gibt meine anderer personalitat...kurtz vor meine hertz. HA! Furchtbar. Alle meine worten sollte in den papierkorb entfliehen. Es macht kein sinn. Oder sin? Es macht kein sin. Wir sind alle blutbrudern. Und man sollte nie in einsamkeit bleiben.

...die wahrseit sind, das jede sind fur niemals, niemals, niemals.

Friday 13 August 2010

Le Garcon et le Capitaine...

Tintin, aaaah, one of my oldest ever fandoms ;) I combined Jamie and Andy's faces with the cartoon version. Heeeee.

Monday 9 August 2010

Why are dolphins great at morse code? They click :D

...what Nat's hair looks like when Sil does it :'D neaaaaaaater!
...Nat's neck tattoo! Twin dolphins, mirrors of eachother, never able to look at eachother :3 hurray for imagery.