Sunday 12 September 2010

Twincest world: Fight and Flight

First set of twins 8D one is albino...obviously, but they are identical, technically. They suffered TTTS in the womb- Twin-to-twin-transfusion-syndrome. Basically one twin (in this case Flight, right) becomes the 'donor twin'- they become a placental filter for their bigger, stronger sibling, pumping blood for both. The larger is basically a parasite who slowly starves it's twin to death. If the donor twin survives they are likely to suffer anemia, heart failure, brain damage, and physical lack of development...

In his later madness, Flight whimsically experiments with reversing the process- by drinking Fight's blood and keeping him near starvation. It doesn't work, and Flight's colours don't starken- although interestingly, his brother's do fade. Not to the rabbit shock of white hair and red eyes, though. But by then Flight is only playing, anyway. And Fight doesn't complain. How can he?

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