Saturday 11 September 2010

Hetalia: London & NY

London: Underground symbol/tube map tattooed on back- bombed stations and roads have scars. Hair: colours/pattern of the Union Jack. 'Big Ben' in his pants, otl 8D belt buckle. Thames/bridges on arm. Scarf with red bus/letterbox pattern. Clothes, dichotomy of toff/chav- fundamentally posh design, but untucked etc etc.

Smoking/binge drinking/knife crime. Faded scars from of London? Vulgar London's bridge is falling dooooooown~

Met NY...Great Wars, sent over gifts/weapons to sustain. Demanding reparations? --> NY- Green hair, lime, Statue of Liberty. Yellow cab tee, one 42nd street sleeve...Broadway...Wall St? I <3 NY OTL. American eagle, stars n' stripes jeans.

:'D Pretty sure this has been done before....Capital cities being personified along with the countries n'all...but here be my perception, done for visual reference for a fic I'm writing, since it's 9/11 ._.

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