Monday 13 September 2010

Twincest world: Bloodsucker

Flight and Fight, after Flight has been forced to kill for the first time in order to gain power. Ironically (considering Fight's sins in utero), his power is the power to take. Anything and everything, from thoughts and feelings to powers. He can suck a person dry. Everybody, except his twin, who is immune. Oooh, mysterious! Fight appears to have no powers. Appears.

Hm, methinks I'll set twinworld in a fantastical plane, for creative freedom's sake 8D every set of twins is born with their own sort of powers...very Xmen, I know, but meh, cliches are cliches because they're GOOD. Anyhoo. Their society is a sort of religious-mania, obsessed with strength and perfection and rigid moral perceptions. A society born of oppression, as the external world, superstitious, would shun and murder and banish twins as bad omens or tools of the devil.

Romulus/Remus, Cain/Abel...why must one always kill the other? The ritual of a fight to the death upon reaching adulthood is a product of the Cult of Cain- in the belief that a twin is only half a being, and upon defeating the weaker, must consume them to become whole again (YUP- eat them, yikes). The rebels, the Abellians (hee) a group of escaped 'losers' and disillusioned 'winners', have a spy among the priests who prepare the corpses of dead losers into dishes- any who are revivable, or still alive, he rescues.

In order to fool everyone into thinking the meat (stew) Flight is served really IS Fight, the cook rips out Fight's left eye and tosses it in. It was already damaged during the duel, anyway. Fight wears a patch, then has a glass replacement, in later life.

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