Wednesday 29 September 2010

Kin: Scrofa

Halirrhothios Scrofa, hog tribe, sworn enemies of the bear trivbe. Obsessively clean.

Kin: Orson

Orson, bebe of the Southern hemisphere tribe :3 he's an oxymoron- a little bear.

Tuesday 28 September 2010

Kin: Keras

Holy shat, I created a FEMALE chara :O yikes. Here's Keras, from the Northern hemisphere. She's incredibly strong and resilient (a la rhino). The last of her kind, she has a cold disposition. Her name means 'horn' in ancient Greek.

Tuesday 21 September 2010

Vasco&Orfeo: Do it, and I'll kill you

"Do it, and I'll kill you."

"I know."

Orfeo: Fiddle while Rome burns

"You do realise, Maestro, that I shall outgrow you someday."

"Indeed, Nero. And you shall fiddle while Rome burns."

Vasco: The Crow

"We are all but crows and vultures; carrion for carrion."

Friday 17 September 2010

Divine Comedy: Abdiel Fedele

"I am the rock beneath St Peter's feet. You shall not break me."

"Rock may turn to sand swiftly enough, as the hourglass turns."

Divine Comedy: Orfeo Neroli

"Fragile as a nun's hymen, you are."

"I'm not the Lord of Sodom. I am the Lord of sod'em, though."

"My Maestro has that rare kind of beauty, that blossoms best when broken. Like the maharaja's ruby, the apple of the idol's left eye, scattered so it may spread it's many spider legs upon the crown's of Kings."

Divine Comedy: Serafino Vasco

"Life vexes me. I wish it would go and pester better men."

"Aah, Death is a prudish strumpet. Each day I tempt it mercilessly, and each day it eludes me."

"We are all whores to our own salvation."

"Sleep, sleep, we gorge upon sleep. Sleep is for the dead, and the walking dead. No sleep. Let's fuck instead, like babies in a Moses basket, sucking Chiron off as we ride the Styx bareback, all the way to Hell."

The players:
Serafino Vasco (Fino, Rafi, Michel)~ burning, serpentine, crow
Orfeo Neroli (Nero)~ deprived/darkness, orange blossom
Abdiel Fedele (Abey)~ (Paradise Lost) he who defies Satan, faithful
Ettore Ilario~ hold fast, cheerful.

Wednesday 15 September 2010

Tuesday 14 September 2010

Twincest world: Chinese whispers

"Tell me who did it, Fight."

Twincest world: Abel's requiem

Just post the Big Reunion >:- D Flight, having eaten what he thought was his brother's remains but was in fact somebody elses plus Fight's eye, now shares an iris with his twin. Fight can see through it sometimes. He has a glass replacement for convenience sake.

Monday 13 September 2010

Twincest world: Bloodsucker

Flight and Fight, after Flight has been forced to kill for the first time in order to gain power. Ironically (considering Fight's sins in utero), his power is the power to take. Anything and everything, from thoughts and feelings to powers. He can suck a person dry. Everybody, except his twin, who is immune. Oooh, mysterious! Fight appears to have no powers. Appears.

Hm, methinks I'll set twinworld in a fantastical plane, for creative freedom's sake 8D every set of twins is born with their own sort of powers...very Xmen, I know, but meh, cliches are cliches because they're GOOD. Anyhoo. Their society is a sort of religious-mania, obsessed with strength and perfection and rigid moral perceptions. A society born of oppression, as the external world, superstitious, would shun and murder and banish twins as bad omens or tools of the devil.

Romulus/Remus, Cain/Abel...why must one always kill the other? The ritual of a fight to the death upon reaching adulthood is a product of the Cult of Cain- in the belief that a twin is only half a being, and upon defeating the weaker, must consume them to become whole again (YUP- eat them, yikes). The rebels, the Abellians (hee) a group of escaped 'losers' and disillusioned 'winners', have a spy among the priests who prepare the corpses of dead losers into dishes- any who are revivable, or still alive, he rescues.

In order to fool everyone into thinking the meat (stew) Flight is served really IS Fight, the cook rips out Fight's left eye and tosses it in. It was already damaged during the duel, anyway. Fight wears a patch, then has a glass replacement, in later life.

Sunday 12 September 2010

Twincest world: Fight and Flight

First set of twins 8D one is albino...obviously, but they are identical, technically. They suffered TTTS in the womb- Twin-to-twin-transfusion-syndrome. Basically one twin (in this case Flight, right) becomes the 'donor twin'- they become a placental filter for their bigger, stronger sibling, pumping blood for both. The larger is basically a parasite who slowly starves it's twin to death. If the donor twin survives they are likely to suffer anemia, heart failure, brain damage, and physical lack of development...

In his later madness, Flight whimsically experiments with reversing the process- by drinking Fight's blood and keeping him near starvation. It doesn't work, and Flight's colours don't starken- although interestingly, his brother's do fade. Not to the rabbit shock of white hair and red eyes, though. But by then Flight is only playing, anyway. And Fight doesn't complain. How can he?


Mah new EPIC gloves. Camden, ILU

Hetalia: Nightmare on Wall St

Tis Yorkie 8D he's meant to look kinda like the statue of liberty, meeeeeh. But gave him dreadlocks instead of the ringlets on the real thing XD tried to make his face all square, manly, stereotypical American maaaaaan. Nice.

Saturday 11 September 2010

Hetalia: London's burning

Hetalia: London & NY

London: Underground symbol/tube map tattooed on back- bombed stations and roads have scars. Hair: colours/pattern of the Union Jack. 'Big Ben' in his pants, otl 8D belt buckle. Thames/bridges on arm. Scarf with red bus/letterbox pattern. Clothes, dichotomy of toff/chav- fundamentally posh design, but untucked etc etc.

Smoking/binge drinking/knife crime. Faded scars from of London? Vulgar London's bridge is falling dooooooown~

Met NY...Great Wars, sent over gifts/weapons to sustain. Demanding reparations? --> NY- Green hair, lime, Statue of Liberty. Yellow cab tee, one 42nd street sleeve...Broadway...Wall St? I <3 NY OTL. American eagle, stars n' stripes jeans.

:'D Pretty sure this has been done before....Capital cities being personified along with the countries n'all...but here be my perception, done for visual reference for a fic I'm writing, since it's 9/11 ._.

Thursday 9 September 2010

What is betrayal?

Well? What IS betrayal?? I mean, we overuse it as accusations go, but what is it, exactly. It can be a betrayal of anything. A betrayal of trust, mostly. Why is that? I can't think of any other kind of betrayal, actually. Hm...dictionary time.

Def 1: The quality of aiding an enemy. Sooo...countering the ambitions of a supposed ally. But if you're countering them then you're not really their ally at all, are you? And you're not really your enemy's enemy. Le FUCK.

Def 2: The breaking or violation of a presumptive social contract, trust, or confidence, that produces moral and psychological conflict in a relationship between individuals or parties. Wow, what a dicky answer.

...I'm still confused.

It's build something up with the driven intention of breaking it into a state worse than it was initially. Except that's kinda clinical. Betrayal is treachery, it's treason, it's two-faced, it's a broken promise. It's knowingly hurting someone who holds you above most.



"Do you hate me? Good. Now turn that hatred into anger, and fight."

...thus, were Fight and Flight born 8D

Monday 6 September 2010

Fight & Flight

Concept doodle page for new twincest

...inspiration for Flight/Knight/Abel's hair :D heeeee hurrah for burgeoning twincest 8D still in development, religious cults and an entire cast of TWINS. YAY.