Friday 23 April 2010

Mon dieu! A post!

Soooo, it's finally happened. I've come tumbling down off the moral high-ground and plummeted into the cesspit that is online blogging D: why ebs, why! Ok so it was a little immature to hold such a long-standing grudge against it but really, what with the gazillion people gunking up the internet with constant spammings about how cute their cat is today and how wonderful their boyfriend yet how their life is nought but a single rose of misery in a field of despair and how their mascara ran and BLAH BLAH BLAH kill me now.

Ranting aside, my sudden revival of this frankenstein of an account is due to deviantart's sudden violent attempts to bumrape my computer through a trojan virus, soooooooo. Now the poor sodden bastards here at blogspotting get to suffer the wrath of my ficcy spewings. ENJOY, folks! :D

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