Thursday 29 April 2010

He ain't heavy...

...he's my brother. Well, stepbrother. Kinda. Not really. Technically Parker's Dad was Howie's Mum soooo...that makes them...uh...actually forget it XDD or this is gonna get incesty.

Solidarity, solidarity, solidarity forever...

...second attempt at a Howie/Parker pic :3 and ye gads, is Parker actually acting like a SEME here?! Oo Howie must be kneeling down or something cause Parky usually only comes up to his chin XDD

Spongebob squarepants...does this make Roxanne Patrick...?

A young CS. Too sexy for his shirt?

The cast...

Wednesday 28 April 2010

Danny booooy...

He makes me smile :D

Just you and I, defying gravity...

The hair is gravity-defying, death-defying, and reality-defying. Oh yes.

Tuesday 27 April 2010

Can you sing with all the colours of the wind...

Mi-Un Park: how could Gil have turned out as anything but a slammin' hottie? *is down wit da gangsta talk, yo*

El Tango de Roxanne...

Roxanne, looking like she's about to tear Crepes Senior a new hole...

The middle of the Hill...

*incoherent* HAHAHAHAHA that MOUSTACHE... *dies* ahem. It's Leon. He grew a goatee cause he thought hey, if it looks sexy on big bro it looks sexy on anyone, right? WRONG.

Monday 26 April 2010

All the world's a stage, and men and women only players...

Hi Howie. You're kinda stuck-up, aintcha.

Scaramoosh can you do the fandango...

Sketch of Park Junior done to Bohemian rhapsody...cause nothing really maaaatters...*sings*


Nakama, my favouritist jerk in the whole wide wooooorld. He's such a gaki here...

Sie sind alles Schweine...

Gerber und Pferden: gleich oder nicht gleich (in der Korper)? Ich denke, dass er gut in der Schlafzimmer sein mussen, oder?

All that glitters...

...and now coloured :D ironic turn of phrase considering he's offensively Aryan...

Away with the Absinthe faeries...

Well hello there 56. You're looking especially psychotic today... :D

Bibamus moriendum est....

Ah, boys. You brighten up my day :)

Friday 23 April 2010

Of man's first disobedience...

Drafts for Lucifer and Michael (or Vesper). I imagine Lucifer to look the epitome of physical, ideal perfection- so his hair is golden-blonde and perfectly curled, etc, etc. Michael is his identical twin, in structure, but he's like a paler, less perfect version of him: platinum blonde, watered-out eye colour, paler skin, hair less tightly curled and messier.

...Lucifer's appearance changes after he falls, o' course. Cause he goes emo n' stuff. Black hair, the whole shebang.

Mon dieu! A post!

Soooo, it's finally happened. I've come tumbling down off the moral high-ground and plummeted into the cesspit that is online blogging D: why ebs, why! Ok so it was a little immature to hold such a long-standing grudge against it but really, what with the gazillion people gunking up the internet with constant spammings about how cute their cat is today and how wonderful their boyfriend yet how their life is nought but a single rose of misery in a field of despair and how their mascara ran and BLAH BLAH BLAH kill me now.

Ranting aside, my sudden revival of this frankenstein of an account is due to deviantart's sudden violent attempts to bumrape my computer through a trojan virus, soooooooo. Now the poor sodden bastards here at blogspotting get to suffer the wrath of my ficcy spewings. ENJOY, folks! :D